VS Code Extensions

Posted by jineesh uvantavida on Wednesday, February 22, 2023
VS Code extensions allow you to add languages, tools, and debugging support to your installation, which helps to streamline the development workflow. The VS Code is highly extensible, so developers can directly plug into VS Code UI and actively contribute to the coding requirements.

Best VS Code Extensions

1) Live Server :- Helps you launch a local development server with a live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.
2) Remote – SSH :- Create your development environment using the dual combination of any remote machine with an SSH server.
3) Bracket Pair Colorizer :- Matches the corresponding brackets in your code with the same color.
4) Peacock :- Allows you to change the color of the Visual Studio code environment or workspace.
5) CSS Peek :- Helpful to front-end developers in improvising the way development requirements are handled. 




Tags: vs code extensions live server remote bracket pair colorizer peacock 

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